One trend I have noticed recently is the move away from the weekly WIP meeting. The introduction of real time, interactive traffic functions and automatically generated To Do lists and …
Sending large files over the net can be a pain
Sending large files such as photo galleries, videos, presentations etc. can be a pain. Fortunately there are free services out there to accommodate sending large files to multiple recipients. These …
Being easy to use is key to Project Management Tools.
Drag & Drop as well as Dynamic Task Assignment. Project management for advertising and marketing organisations is not a “one size fits all” proposition. Digital Developments, On-ground Events, TVCs for …
Ntuity is not one of the toys
Ntuity, Increasing Profits for Marketing Communications Organisations. Marketing communications and advertising organisations have the choice of hundreds of workflow apps, just as many project management apps and maybe even more …
What does this little icon mean to you?
There is so much happening in the marcoms space much of which impacts the bottom line. The shifting work patterns, the increased mobility of staff and the greater demands from …
“There is no comparable Document Management system available today”
So says Ivan Glaser, Chief Information Officer – Asia Pacific at Havas. Ivan is talking about Ntuity, the marcoms focused productivity suite. In particular he is referring to the document …
Do marketing communications companies pay enough attention to HR?
I am constantly surprised at the take-up of Ntuity’s HR module, so much so I recently posed this question to one of our larger UK clients “Why did you choose Ntuity’s …
The Real Alternative Media System.
Ntuity Media is the fully functional media system embracing media planning, execution, finance and post analysis developed locally and supported locally. Responsive support is at our very core, we understand …
HELP, we have won a new client but we are on a retainer!
Recently we have had that call for help from two existing clients, one from Malaysia, and the other from Hong Kong. The help they needed was to speedily implement time …
A productive alternative to Google Docs
Some time ago Google docs introduced a very productive feature, the ability to collaborate on documents, spreadsheets and presentations. By collaborate I mean, in real time multiple participants can …