“It also looks like it does everything. Stuff that does everything rarely does important stuff well.”
That is a genuine quote from a third party techo tasked by a prospect of ours to review our collaboration offering on our web-site.
That quote encapsulates our biggest challenge.
You see Ntuity does do almost everything in terms of finance and collaboration for Marketing Communications professionals.
Further more it does do the “important stuff” exceptionally well. In fact it does everything it does, exceptionally well.
Ntuity is used by thousands of marcomms professionals of all disciplines in 20 countries and five languages.
Our challenge is to get that message across to our target audience but of course our target audience is not one single persona. Because Ntuity is about collaboration, our audience is spread across all disciplines within a marcomms organisation, CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, Creative Services, Account Service, Media, Digital, Traffic, HR and all roles in between. We don’t simply solve one collaboration problem, we solve pretty much all of them.
Ntuity’s USP is that it is a collaboration operating environment specifically created for marcomms professionals not just another software system.
There are hundreds if not thousands of software offerings available in this space that provide useful collaboration functionality of varying degrees. Each individually may have functionality that is the similar, yes some maybe even superior to that delivered by Ntuity. However, only Ntuity does it all.
To attempt to replicate Ntuity by assembling various software offerings and trying to integrate them into a seamless, single point of entry, collaboration environment would be expensive, time consuming and have little chance of success.
If I had a $1000 for every organisation in this space that have tried that and failed I’d be a millionaire. Come on, admit it, you know of at least one if not more.
My constant challenge is to dissect Ntuity into manageable silos and explore the features and benefits as they apply to our clients. I’ll do case studies and post them. We will embark upon a campaign of regular webinars and get the message out there.
“Ntuity does do everything and it does the important things exceptionally well”.
I am co-founder and CEO of TSS, the creators of Ntuity.
If you would like to explore how Ntuity can benefit you, give me a call on +61 2 8425 8888 or follow this link: Book a one-on-one
Check me out on Linkedin: Marshall Duncan
See what our clients say: What our clients say about us
Bye the way I did ask the author of the quote if I could attribute him to it and he politely refused on the basis that it did not fit the profile he is trying to project on Linkedin.