Millennials are MOBILE CENTRIC
According to Ryan Jenkins ( in a recent Telstra sponsored webcast, 82% of millennials said mobile devices were important when researching new products & services.
In Ryan’s opinion that translates to ensuring mobility during the entire sales cycle. Your web-site, your posts your social media campaigns all need to be mobile device friendly.
A trip on any form of public transport will only reinforce the fact that millennials spend much of their free time with head phones in (or on) and interacting with their mobile devices.
In my observation it is not just millennials, I have three grand daughters all of whom spend a considerable amount of time, (far too much in my opinion) on hand held devices.
So the next generation of b2b purchasers and decision influencers, Gen Z and Gen Alpha, will be even more “mobile centric”.
I refer back to my observation about public transport, almost every passenger of school age is on thier mobile phone or tablet.
I have been intensely involved in the marcoms industry for over 25 years and I have learned a few things. One key learning is this: immediate accessibility to accurate client related information is critical to providing the client with the highest level of service.
Being both responsive to their demands and proactive to their needs, means having ready access to all project status, all financial information and all communications related to that client. And that means being secure in the knowledge that you have the current project status, the up to date financials and the current version of all communications.
Without that being in place the potential for revenue bleed, and even worse, dispute with the client is inevitable.
That is why we created Ntuity Mobile the mobile app that marcoms professionals can take with them to access and manage all their client’s projects, communications and financial information.
Ntuity Mobile includes communication management, timesheets & leave management, CRM, workflow approvals, interactive collaboration on Microsoft documents and much more, everything a marcoms professional needs to be mobile and service the client.
To learn more about how Ntuity mobile will benefit you, view this short Youtube video: Ntuity Mobile
To learn more about how Ntuity can improve your bottom line, give me a call, Marshall Duncan +61 2 8425 8888
To learn more about Ntuity marcoms operating environment visit this site:
If you would like to see why so many marcoms organisations are adopting Ntuity click here: Request your own personal one-on-one
At the end of the webcast the audience was surveyed with some interesting results as per the head graphic.
PS I dont know Ryan Jenkins personally and I havent sought his permission to credit him herein or to use his graphic so I hope he doesn’t sue me.